Saturday, January 14, 2012

Notice/Preview #3: Where's Chapter 2?

So some of you are probably wondering what's happening with Chapter 2, am I right? Well, the thing is, I haven't had a minute of free time in the past two weeks. I'm not making excuses, it's the truth. The homework load is out of control, keeping me up until 11 PM most nights! It's just been overwhelming, and I have had next to no time to work on Chapter 2. The story got finished in the first week since Chapter 1 was released, but I haven't had any time to take pictures. This weekend is my first shot at taking photos, and I'm hoping if I go really hard-core, Chapter 2 will be finished by Tuesday.

Anyways, while you're waiting on the edge of your seat for the big second chapter, why not read a little preview? Can you guess who's narrating? Enjoy!


He's going to tell me that he hates me. He's going to tell me I'm a lier and he never wants to see me again. This is it, this is the end. I'm leaving after tonight.

Night was falling on Queenstown; I didn't realize I had skipped lunch. Maybe that was part of the reason why I felt so empty inside... The absence of food, the absence of friends, the absence of hope.
He pulled me over onto the bench and slid his arm around my shoulders. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "Everyone here hates me," I whispered.

A light flicked on upstairs, and I heard music playing. Laughter sounded, and the shadows of dancing people fell on the ground in front of me. The other girls were celebrating. They were celebrating because they knew I was leaving, the author of the horrible notes was leaving, the one that everyone hated was leaving. They were partying without me. I could never be one of them... Not knowing who I was.

To be continued...

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